Pet of the Week
Pet of the Week this week is going to go to not just one but two stunning animals that I have never got the privilege of doing a Pet of the Week for in the 6 years I have been here! These two gorgeous birds are Tweets and Gabriel. Tweets is the little one known as a Green Cheek Conjure. The bigger one is Gabriel who is a remarkable Yellow Ring Macaw. These two have been with us for awhile, and its definitely been an adventure having them here with us. Although at the beginning of their stay they were absolutely terrified of us. Now they like to sing and dance with us and especially love us when they get treats. They love to sit in their cages and mock you and talk to you while your in there cleaning them. Gabriel loves to sit in the middle of his cage and just scream until he gets your attention. And as soon as you do give him your attention Gabriel no longer wants it and does his own thing. Tweets loves to come right up to the edge of the cage to get you to try and pet her and then she will nibble on your finger just because she can. Like I said these two are definitely an adventure and we look forward to all the time we get to spend with them!